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Philippine Consulate General, Toronto Participates at Pueblo Science’s Good Morning Science
Consul General Orontes Castro emphasized in his speech the importance given by the Philippine government to education. He also mentioned his aspiration during his student years to excel in his studies.
Left photo: Dr Cynthia Go, Professor in the Department of Chemistry, Material Science and Engineering, the Institute of Medical Science and the Munk School of Global Affairs and co-founder of Pueblo Science, addressing the audience and informing about the charity’s lighting project in Palawan. Right photo: Dr. Mayrose Salvador, co-founder and Executive Director of Pueblo Science, being introduced by Dr. Cynthia Go to Consul General Castro.
Left photo: Dr. Alon Eisenstein and his assistant during the Science Magic Show while the children were very attentive, responsive and enthusiastic (right photo).

The children of the Philippine Consulate General staff tried their hands on the different activities at Good Morning Science. Top Photos, from left: Dane Escobedo and Raya Fajardo were being coached at the Robotics table, while sisters Fatima and Lourdes Amihan-de Guzman stretched their arms out to feel the cold liquid nitrogen at the Ice Cream Making table (right photo). Bottom Photos, from left: Siblings Fatima and Lourdes waiting for their turn at the Slime-making table while the other children (and mom, too!) were being coached to make slime with a mixture of water, glue, food colouring and borax, and lots of stirring. Fatima successfully made her blue slime.
The Philippine Consulate General contingent led by Consul General Castro posed with Dr. Mayrose Salvador and the Pueblo Science scientists.
12 November 2019, Toronto – The Philippine Consulate General in Toronto’s Consul General Orontes V. Castro, accompanied by children of some Consulate personnel, Dane Escobedo, Raya Fajardo, Lourdes and Fatima Amihan-de Guzman, and Consulate staff, Dennis and Cherina Escobedo and Cecile Santos, took part in this year’s Good Morning Science held on Saturday, 9 November 2019 from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm at the Ballroom of InterContinental Toronto Centre in downtown Toronto.
Good Morning Science is the 5th annual fundraiser of Pueblo Science to support its educational outreach programs in low-resource communities around the world, including the Philippines, to increase science literacy. Parents and children come together to Good Morning Science to learn and celebrate the power and impact of education. The family-oriented ticketed event includes a buffet breakfast, fun hands-on science activities for kids and adults alike, a science magic show, a lecture on The Wonderful World of Bats and a silent auction. Activities include robotics, coding, liquid nitrogen ice cream-making, DIY lip balm-making, slime-making and molecular gastronomy.
Proceeds of this year’s fundraiser will go towards supporting Pueblo Science’s outreach programs that impact thousands of children across Canada, the Philippines, Guyana, and Jamaica, including the introduction of robotics to students around the world. Pueblo Science’s goal is to engage students in Science Technology Engineering and Math and help them acquire the necessary skills to become the next generation of innovators and problem solvers. END
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